Always Be Marketable It's always a conundrum for new artists to figure out why their great music gets no recognition. Why it seems in this day and age, that the non-talented mumble rappers get all the glory, while true artists with substance gets looked over constantly. One thing while dreaming of a successful one must always keep in mind, "AM I MARKETABLE." Art is poetry in all different forms, including musically. But, music is a business that must generate profits. So, the question you must ask yourself is: Am I marketable? Can a company look at me and want to sponsor me because of my image? Am I A Peoples Musician? If your answer is no then you must definitely read this article. In it are 7 Marketable Truths EVERY MUSICIAN should inherit... 1. Marketing Your Music Is Necessary, But Doesn’t Have To Be Difficult As someone who speaks to musicians almost on a daily basis, I know that many have the feeling that marketing their music is going to be diff...