[New Artist] Bosses introduces you to losLAUREN 718

Los LAUREN 718 Artist: losLAUREN 718 Genre: Hip Hop, Rap Location: Bronx, NY Album: "Blue Roses" Stream / Download: https://songwhip.com/ loslauren-718/blue-roses Video: " There For You ": https://youtu.be/JC-sFVaqv1M Artwork: See Below Twitter: @losLAUREN718 @IStillLoveHER_ Links: https://www.instagram.com/ loslauren718 https://twitter.com/ losLAUREN718 https://www.facebook.com/ losLAUREN718 https://soundcloud.com/ loslauren718 https://vimeo.com/loslauren718 About: "There for You" is the lead single off of losLAUREN 718's newly released project "BLUE ROSES." The song pays homage to the Method Man and Mary J. Blige record, "All I Need," by weaving imagery of a youthful urban love affair over the soulful production of Serious Beats. losLAUREN's new album "BLUE ROSES" is now available on all streaming platforms. Check out the video and the new album below. https://songwhip.com/ loslauren-718/blue-roses https://...